Avoid the scams, find out which Business Opportunities actually work
12th February 2008
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 8:16 pm

I always thought the day would come where “Mark Warren” would mess up and show the world how he has been deceiving people with his various sites and identities.

In fact, I’ve already written about how I was sure that “Warren” was using different names to promote his Ultimate Wealth Package opportunity.

See the following pages to find out more about my suspicions:

Mark Warren, the man behind Dannys-Scam-Review.com

Mark Warren and the Ultimate Wealth Package – Review

As it turns out, it seems Mark Warren had to close down his Ultimate Wealth Package after it was removed from Clickbank. I’ve no idea why it was removed so I won’t make any accusations.

Shortly after this package was removed from Clickbank, Warren’s other site “Danny’s Scam Review” disappeared. No surprise really as this so-called “review” site was just a dodgy site written by Warren under the pseudonym “Danny Caldwell” in order to promote the Ultimate Wealth Package.

Yep, Mark Warren was shilling his own products by pretending to be an impartial advisor.

It’s pretty common on the ‘net where morals are in short supply.

Over summer 2007, “Mark Warren” seemingly decided to move his domains from GoDaddy into his own registrar (called ‘Your Affiliate Site LLC’).

Of course, as anybody knows, if you want to move a domain from one registrar to another, you have to remove the “Whois” protection. So, for a short time, the real registrant of Mark Warren’s domains was visible whilst the transfer took place.

Yep, rather than hiding behind a “Domains by Proxy” name, Warren had to expose himself as follows:

The UltimateWealthPackage.com:

Mark Jenney
60 E Rio Salado Pkwy
Suite 900
Tempe, Arizona 85281
United States


Mark Jenney
526 Wooster Rd N
Barberton, Ohio 44203
United States


Mark Jenney
526 Wooster Rd N
Barberton, Ohio 44203
United States

So, as we already thought, Mark Warren is actually Mark Jenney of Barberton, Ohio, USA.

It seems that Jenney was happy to tell all and sundry about being a shill when he attended offline internet marketing seminars.

One person I know who likes to stay part of the “guru” set let slip that Warren was well known for being behind both the Ultimate Wealth Package and Danny’s Scam Review.

The only reason this secret informer told me is that he was very drunk and name-dropping at the seminar I attended in October.

Mark Warren or Mark Jenney or Danny Caldwell or Michelle Andrews isn’t currently promoting anything but I would hazard a guess he’ll be back soon with a new get-rich-quick scheme.

I’m just surprised he was silly enough to let his carefully kept secret out…


  1. I tried youraffiliatesite one of marks you are right he gives you a free site and then sends you to other sites to sign up I think Andres Fox is another of marks its very similar


    Comment by james — 14th July 2008 @ 2:15 pm

  2. Mark’s new scam or at least the one I’ve been receiving involves a company called Agile Marketing. To unsubscribe send mail to 3867 W. Market Street Suite 256. Guess who runs this according to the BBB; none other than Mark Jenney.

    Comment by Paul A Baker — 18th June 2009 @ 6:03 pm

  3. Mark Jenney / Mark Warren / UWP — is now co-running an even LARGER scam company in Akron, OH , called NSA Technologies, go to akronbbb.org, look up nsa tech — it’ll show it all, also if you simply just Google Mark Jenney, The Akron BBB’s report on UWP will be front and center which links UWP to NSA. Mr. Jenney — you will soon have what’s coming to you, You and the Attorneys running that scam better watch your backs.

    Comment by scam buster — 10th June 2010 @ 1:32 am

  4. United States San Antonio Nsa Technologies Llc

    All these website are on their server:

    1. 10monthrealestatemillionaire.com
    2. 6-figure.org
    3. Bestworkathomeprogram.com
    4. Catchacheatingspouse.net
    5. Creditsecretsrevealed.info
    6. Freelancehomewritingjobs.com
    7. Freetraffictomywebsite.org
    8. Getvisitorsnow.net
    9. Getvisitorsnow.org
    10. Getvisitorsnow0.com
    11. Gvnworkfromhome.com
    12. Homejobplacement.org
    13. Howtoincreaseyourtips.com
    14. Make-money-taking-surveys.com
    15. Makemoneyonlinefromhome.info
    16. Makemoneyonlinesurveys.org
    17. Makemoneywithsurveys.net
    18. Makemoneywithsurveys.org
    19. Makemoneyworkingfromhome.biz
    20. Myinstantlistbuilder.com
    21. Myproductcenter.net
    22. Myproductcenter.org
    23. Online-career-observer.com
    24. Onlineeducationalinstitute.com
    25. Onlinereviewauthority.org
    26. Photowealthsystem.com
    27. Sixfigureworkathomejobs.com
    28. Snorenomorecure.com
    29. Speedreadingmadeeasy.com
    30. Speedticketbuster.com
    31. Surveyprogram.net
    32. Theprofessionallearninginstitute.com
    33. Theworkathomejobs.net
    34. Theworkfromhomenetwork.com
    35. Todaysnewsnow.org
    36. Top10homebusinessproducts.net
    37. Workathomeonlinejobfinder.com
    38. Writeathomesystem.com

    SSL certificate is provided by iaffiliate

    NSA Technologies, LLC
    Principal: Mr Mark Jenney

    Additional DBA Names: Underground Wealth System
    Automated Wealth System
    Make Money with Overstock.com
    Home Job Placement
    Jennifer Johnson
    Professional Learning Institute
    Brent Austin’s Automated Wealth System
    Write at Home System
    Customer Care Center
    Get Visitors Now
    Work at Home Recruiters
    My Product Center
    Emily Thomas
    EZ Affiliate Website Builder
    You Can Be An Internet Millionaire
    Work at Home Position Placement
    Six Figure Income
    Auction Listing Agency
    Guaranteed Cash Systems
    Auction Listing Specialists
    Idea Tech Media, LLC
    Auction Listings Employment Agency
    Underground Cash Secret
    Six Figure Cash Machine
    Catch a Cheating Spouse
    Automatic Cash System
    Online Jobs Worldwide
    Earn Cash with Google
    Best 10 Work at Home
    Weekly Consumer Newsletter
    My Web Builder
    Assured Payment Center, LLC
    Online Career Observer
    NSA Technology
    Make Money Taking Surveys
    Internet Website Design

    See: https://www.bbb.org/akron/business-reviews/work-at-home-companies/nsa-technologies-in-akron-oh-143348871

    Comment by Zheng — 18th November 2010 @ 5:38 pm

  5. i used to work here and know all the secrets of these scams and would be happy to share everything i know

    [Addition by Ben: Please feel free to share]

    Comment by Bill Dautree — 19th September 2011 @ 10:09 pm

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