Avoid the scams, find out which Business Opportunities actually work
26th April 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 10:02 am

I get a lot of questions about Google Cash due to the results I have posted on BizOppsUK.

If you haven’t heard of Google Cash before, I highly recommend that you take a look at it.

This was the first “business opportunity” that I bought online and it has been very profitable for me.

You can see what I wrote here:

Google Cash – The AdWords Money Making System by Chris Carpenter

A recent question I got was:

“Hi Ben,

Very impressed with the site – straightforward and not smothered in hype. I have a couple of questions about “google cash” (which sounds pretty interesting).

Firstly, your review was posted last year and the info on the Google Cash landing page refers to 2005 only. I’m a net newbie, but I’m assuming 2 years is pretty much the equivalent going from the spinning jennie to a, um, (insert high tech example here).

So, is this updated regularly? Will it still work now? Are you still using it and making money?

Thanks for your time and I wish you continued success with your site.


Below is the answer I sent back to Ian:


Google Cash has just been updated very recently although I have yet to contact Chris for the update.

The main idea behind the opportunity is very simple but since I bought it in April 2005, Chris has updated the package to include videos, extra eBooks etc.

It still works for me now and I am still making money from it.

I haven’t updated the site since last year because I am rather lazy – to be brutally honest! I have several campaigns running which I have not touched for months now and they run 24-7 creating leads and sales. I was looking at one the other day which bids on a single keyword.

With this one I have spent £187.84 on advertising and made £436.99 in commissions.

It’s pretty much money for nothing 🙂


As you can see, Google Cash continues to work for me… and I still need to ask Chris for the latest version!

Check out more at the link below:

Google Cash – The AdWords Money Making System by Chris Carpenter

18th April 2007
Filed under: General Opportunities,Internet Marketing — Ben @ 5:34 pm

I’ve not received many direct mail promotions recently and there don’t seem to be many new or fresh biz opps at all at the moment.

What there does seem to be is a massive influx of very similar products which have all been released over the last few weeks.

They are all eBooks and all sold via the Clickbank marketplace.

Duvet Dollars, Guru Slayer, Day Job Killer etc.

All of these products don’t seem to have been given much praise, except from the affiliates that have been desperately trying to get you to buy them!

I wouldn’t worry too much about “missing” out on any of these over-priced eBooks, they are all from a stable of internet marketers who tend to promote each others’ products on a weekly basis.

Worst of all, some are just products which have been renamed and released under a pen name – with a small amount of rewriting. (Hint: Duvet Dollars from “Victoria”)

A lot of these products seem to be molded around Mark Warren’s Ultimate Wealth Package, especially in the promotion and the upsells which the authors try to get you to sign up for.

I have recently reviewed Mark Warren’s flagship product on the main biz opps site:

Mark Warren and the Ultimate Wealth Package – Review

As you will see when you read it, I wasn’t particularly impressed.

I sent an email out to subscribers recently which relayed the above thoughts about these Clickbank products and got quite a bit of feedback. Here are some of the comments I received:

“Hello Ben,

Are there ANY genuine bizops around today ?? I am seriously beginning to wonder !!


There are several genuine biz opps around, and I am not saying that the above opportunities are not genuine, it’s just they are nothing new. One inparticular is just a rehash of previous material from a male UK marketer, dressed up as new material from a allegedly US female marketer – who doesn’t actually exist!


Very much appreciate your useful emails and advice; have been bombarded by the ones you mention and there marketing looks good – have no doubt too many will get caught in their net!! I always start by trying to contact them and if my message gets bounced back, then I know pretty well what the score is…….

Thanks again and kind regards


Mavis, that’s an excellent idea. Email the promoters of these courses and if they do not reply then you can form your own conclusions!

“Short email maybe – but very interesting review re Mark Warren – thanks!


Thanks Alan. Although Mark Warren is undoubtedly very successful, I do feel that his “free websites” are a terrible idea and extremely overpriced. Still, people often do not research before they buy and they get carried away by the sales copy.

More to come soon…

10th April 2007
Filed under: General Opportunities,Internet Marketing — Ben @ 7:31 pm

Recently in the free Business Opportunity Email Newsletter I mentioned that I don’t tend to type when it is not necessary. Instead I use speak recognition software, specifically Dragon Naturally Speaking.

It’s a great piece of software which allows you to speak whilst it dictates the words into loads of different applications including Word and Notepad. All you have to do is “train” the software to recognise your voice and then it will learn your particular accent.

Any mistakes can be corrected easily and the software will attempt to learn from its errors.

I wrote:

“I tend to use Dragon Naturally Speaking to dictate articles on my PC. It takes a few hours to “train” the software to recognise your voice but it can really help you if you want to write a lot of text.

You can usually find the software on eBay for £20 or so – all you will need on top of the program is a microphone to connect to your PC.

It’s well worth the investment!”

Shortly afterwards I was asked the following question by a subscriber:

“Hi Ben,

Could you tell me which version of Dragon Naturally Speaking you use.

I have looked on ebay and the latest version 9 seems to command quite high prices. I am not bothered about having the latest version if I know which one of the earlier versions you find satisfactory

Thanks much


Well, I had to go and check but the version I use is Dragon Naturally Speaking version 8.

If memory serves me correctly, I bought the software about 1 year ago for £20 or so.

It’s very good although not completely perfect, you do have to go through it afterwards and correct a few mistakes. Beats typing though!

You can usually find it on eBay:

Dragon Naturally Speaking Software Listings on eBay

Or, more expensively, on Amazon:

Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred 8 on Amazon

3rd April 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 6:53 pm

Well, I’ve just unsubscribed from 5 internet marketing related email newsletters for one reason – they all sent me emails about Michael Cheney’s new traffic related course – and all 5 emails came within about 30 minutes this afternoon.

I was under the impression that John Reese was the undisputed king of website traffic generation but I guess that Cheney is now “the man”. And all this time I thought Michael Cheney was the AdSense king… or was that the list-building king?

OK, OK, so I’m being pedantic but it gets a little annoying when everyone with an email list that is even remotely related to internet marketing starts sending out bulk emails to promote the latest Clickbank product.

So, bye-bye to several of you but thanks for the content (if there ever was any!)

One newsletter that I haven’t unsubscribed from is Danny’s Scam Review by Mark Warren, or as he prefers to be known, “Danny”.

Mark jumps on this kind of stuff immediately, he’s like an announcement service for new over-hyped Clickbank products 🙂

It’s always interesting to see what kind of made-up BS he can think to put in his email pitches, how can one person dream up such shameless lies? He must have a team…

2nd April 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 7:41 pm

Someone asked me for a review of the Dave Allen membership site called “Earn Your Living Online” recently.


Straight off the bat I will completely upfront and say that Dave is a friend of mine and is also a member of the mastermind group which I belong to so this may be a little biased!

I will, at some point, write a review of this particular opportunity (it’ll get added to the list) but it may take some time.

In the meantime, here’s a little more about what you get for the low entry price:

The site has a whole load of information split into 7 different “lessons”.

Each lesson contains lots of downloadable content which is accessed via the online training centre.

You get a load of reading material and also related audio interviews and videos, all of which show you how to accomplish each part of the “Leadership Marketing System”.

The whole point of the site is to give you the information you need to get up and running with a profitable internet business.

I’d suggest that each lesson would probably take a week or so to go through if you set aside an hour a day to work on it. Obviously, it may take a little longer or a little less time depending on how dedicated to the cause you are.

If you want to have a look in more detail about what it is you get, check out the site:


As I mentioned, I know Dave personally so if you have any questions about the course then please let me know and I will pass them on.

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