Avoid the scams, find out which Business Opportunities actually work
1st March 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 9:45 pm

As you may know, I have signed up for the email newsletter which is allegedly written by “Danny” from Dannys-Scam-Review.com

His junk review website isn’t the most honest in the world.

In fact it’s probably high on the list of the most insincere and I have been constantly amazed by the level of dishonest material he sends to his subscribers.

For example, back in December I received an email which contained the following:

“Since I sent out the e-mail telling you about the program over 3,000 of you joined the program. That was a lot, I was impressed! I contact the Survey Company to see how many of you were actually making. In the last 7 days since I sent out the e-mail, Paid Survey Program have paid out OVER $242,000 to us, which is crazy!”

So, are we are meant to believe that 3,000 people paid $39.95 for a junk survey scheme and then, within 24 hours, filled in enough surveys to earn an average of $80 each?

It didn’t happen and it’s ridiculous how “Danny” tries to get people to buy into these junk schemes by lying.

Since that dubious email, he has promoted a wide variety of crappy products including several which have been kicked off Clickbank due to high refund rates.

These include “Type at Home” schemes, the missold so-called Data Entry programs which trick customers into buying something completely unsuitable for them.

(See Data Entry Schemes – Viable Opportunity or a Scam? for more)

Then came a promotion for Craig Richards’ new product.

The email came on the 23rd February with the title “Important E-mail – Read Now Ben December 20, 2006

Interestingly it said:

“I have personally visited Craig (aka MrX) at his home and spoken to him in detail about his success and he is a very genuine, smart and thoughtful person. I highly recommend you visit his website now”

Now “Danny” claims to be in Phoenix, Arizona but Craig Richards is in the UK.

Are we to believe that he actually got on a plane to pop over to Craig’s for a cup of tea and a chat about the PDX-Factor product?

Very unlikely… unless, of course, “Danny” is actually based in the UK and is simply pretending to be in America so he can hide his identity.

So, today I got another junk email from “Danny” saying:

“I sent you a e-mail 2 days ago about this new “duvet” program. Quite simply the reason I am e-mailing you yet again is because over a thousand of you have e-mail me back saying ‘thank you'”.

What “Danny” is trying to say through the poorly written English is that 1,000 people emailed him back to say thanks.

I’d like to know how.

I tried to email “Danny” several times to his email address (danny@dannys-scam-review.com) but it is returned everytime as undeliverable.

So, how exactly did the 1,000 people email him?

Simple answer is, they didn’t. More lies…

Quite ironic really that Danny’s Scam Review is actually one of the widest spread scams on the internet.

My advice:

Don’t believe a word of what “Danny” says, it’s all an elaborate scam.

More about “Danny” at: Danny’s Scam Review – dannys-scam-review.com

14th February 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 1:57 pm

Back in January I received an email from a subscriber to the Biz Opps UK email newsletter asking if there were other people in the same boat as him:

“Hi Ben

Please keep up the good work with the Bizopps site its very informative especially for someone who is ‘new to the trade’ and hasn’t realy got a clue what they are doing.

Internet and marketing are completely new to me and miles apart from my previous 30 year working career, but I decided that the bright lights and unlimited wealth was for me and after ditching my job here I am.

Do all budding internet marketeers find this industry so daunting when they first start out or is it just me ?

No urgency for reply



The following emails show the replies I received after featuring the email in the newsletter:

“Hi Ben

Just like Gary, I am just entering the world of internet marketing and would like to reassure him that he seems to be bog-standard normal in his experience.

I have spent the last week trying to aquire and choose a domain name and to set up hosting for it and I have to say that I have trawled through so much alien information and put so much brain power into trying to understand it that I have had to have a lie-down in a darkened room to recover!

Of course, this is in addition to hours of niche research and days and nights of intensive thought on the subject of product creation.

However, I am loving the challenge and I am 100% sure that the steep learning curve will be worth it when I get the hang of it and actually start making a decent living.

After all, if you were aiming to be a dentist or an engineer, you wouldn’t expect it to be simple and straightforward, or indeed, fast, so persistence and perseverence will see the thing through!




“Hi Ben

Just a note about the new guy who felt overwhelmed. I knew nothing at all about internet marketing two and a half years ago, but always wanted to work from home. I was forced to leave my job of 27 years through stress and depression and so in desperation started looking online for things I could do at home.

I threw myself completely into it and eventually came across internet marketing and specifically affiliate marketing through pay per click. I must admit I knew zero about computers and the internet when I started, but didn’t think of it as being overwhelming – just incredibly exciting as I realized “Hey I can do this!!”

My advice is don’t ever scrimp on your education – get as much information as possible on your chosen area, and act on it. And invest in yourself, buy ebooks and information. In my experience some stuff is available free but on the whole it’s worth what you pay for it.

And what happened to me? I now work whenever I want to (or don’t want to!) and am earning more than I earned in 27 years in a high street bank.

One of the unexpected benefits of affiliate marketing and ppc (once you’ve got to grips with it) is that when you find a good selling product you can just let the ads run and run – giving a nice residual income. Over a period of time you will build a number of these ads until you have a healthy and ongoing income. Want a pay rise? Put more ads up!

If I can do that with zero starting knowledge – anyone can.

All the best



“Hi Ben

Wow! What a lovely surprise to read through your email today and find my message reproduced for all to see. That really gave me a buzz! You might like to know that – following an extended period in that darkened room – I have reached the position of getting a test page upon the web.

Now, I know that this is probably like breathing to you, but to me it’s like getting to the summit of Everest. All I have to do now is finish writing my product (the fun bit) and learn everything there is to know about stunning copywriting (the Everest bit).

Exciting, this internet marketing stuff, isn’t it?

Best wishes



“Hi Ben

I know how Jane and Gary felt trying to get started on the Internet.

One thing that always bugged me was the advice “follow your passion” without been given any detailed advice about how to create products.

I finally discovered a great teleseminar CD set which proved to be a EUREKA moment from the fantastic info about creating info products. I’ve put extra information into this package and started my own business selling it.

So my advice to people looking to get started would be to make use of all the FREE advice and tools that are available and just get started in a small way and learn as you go.

As David Vallieres puts it ‘Fail Faster’

Ewan Chai offers a great free book at his site www.ewanchai.com which details the different business models people can adopt.

Also I got an email yesterday with a link to another great freebie @

You probably already know this but free tools and resources are available @

There’s some great free e-books available and I’m reviewing some for Home Business Choices magazine and offering them free on my site. If you’d like the URL for this there’s great information and advice in here to help people get started quickly and cheaply.




Thanks for all the replies, it’s great to see people contributing and helping each other out!

If you would like to add a comment, please just click on the “Comments” link below.


6th February 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 8:42 pm

One subscriber to the free business opportunity email newsletter opened a support ticket asking about the Ultimate Wealth Package:

“The “Ultimate Wealth Package” by Mark Warren tries to get you to buy their program for $50.00 online, with the promise of all the following:

– A FREE Turn Key website all set up to make you money
– Will help you with Creating Multiple Streams of Residual Income
– Earn a full time income from home working on your computer
– Step by step guide to making thousands of dollars weekly on the Internet
– Become Debt Free etc

All for only $50.00 Could you tell me anything you know about this program?

Thank you, Shawna”

I’ve never been impressed by websites like this and so I sent the following reply:

“Hi Shawna,

Personally, I wouldn’t bother with this package.

The ‘free’ website is not particularly brilliant and certainly not ‘worth $1097’.

In short, the package will involve endless expenditure and mostly involves actually promoting the Ultimate Wealth Package to other people for commission.



However, I am happy to be proven wrong about this one so if you have had any success with it, please do let me know…

The easiest way to let me know how you have done with the Ultimate Wealth Package is to leave a comment on this blog.

Please click on the “Comments” link below to give your opinion on this opportunity.

30th January 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 11:41 pm

Joel Comm is running a very special offer at the moment…

For the past year, the 3rd edition of Joel’s Google AdSense ebook has been selling for $97.00.

This 199-page ebook continues to be described as “the definitive guide to AdSense”.

For a short time, you can download Joel’s Google AdSense Secrets ebook, all 199-pages of it, for just $19.95…

Which is a pretty hefty discount – 79% if my maths is right!

Check out the offer at:

Joel Comm’s Special Offer

19th January 2007
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 2:58 pm

As you may have guessed, I am a bit of a fan of Sara Brown’s work and products.

Sara’s manuals tend to be very well explained and contain workable instructions on setting up what Sara calls “multiple income streams“.

So it should come as no surprise that I am happy to recommend the latest of Sara’s creations which is called “Sara Brown’s Mini Launches“.

Sara Brown’s New Mini Launches eBook

This downloadable book explains how Sara finds inexpensive products with resale rights and then launches them to draw in loads of sales and a hefty profit.

It goes against everything that the “gurus” usually tell us.

A lot of people think there is a lower price limit that you must not go below and in some cases this is true.

If, for example, you have resale rights to a large DVD set which has previously sold for £2,000+ then it would be ridiculous to go and sell it for just £50.

Unfortunately, some people do tend to do this by selling expensive courses on eBay for a fraction of their normal accepted value.

However, if you can pick up resale rights to a short report or eBook and then turn it round and sell it off for $5 or so, it is possible to make a very good profit.

Sara calls these “Low Cost, High Profit Mini Launches“.

In the eBook Sara goes through 3 case-studies of three successful launches her company, Laycock Publishing, did recently.

None of the products were priced at more than $6 yet each brought in a couple of grand in profits… Low cost, high profit is certainly true in these cases.

So, you can see that Sara Brown’s “Mini Launches” concept demands attention!

Once you’ve read the eBook, please let me know what you think.

I will add a review to the site shortly (it goes in the “to do” list!)

Sara Brown’s New Mini Launches eBook

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