Avoid the scams, find out which Business Opportunities actually work
21st November 2006
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 9:17 am

So, there you are, laying on the beach with your laptop and cocktail.

You’re in your shorts “working away” while your kids play in the sand and your wife watches from the palace you had built on the cliffside.

This is the idea, though, isn’t it? With internet marketing, you set it up, let the customers click away, and the money just comes rolling right in. Then, you’re a millionaire!

Mike Filsaime hates to break it to you, but that’s just not the way it is anymore. In his free downloadable report, “The Death Of Internet Marketing” he explains how things are changing (there’s WORK involved in this business!) and what you must do to keep up.

In short, internet marketing as it has been done over the last few years, died and forgot to lay down.

Quite a claim, isn’t it?? Well, here’s how it works:

In today’s market, there is too much competition, too many products, too many marketers, and too few clicks. That means it’s harder to make money through internet marketing.

The internet is flooded with marketers. It’s not just a few well-known gurus like it used to be.

And it’s incestuous; everybody’s learning and copying from each other. Now, you have marketers marketing to marketers, and everybody knows the tricks.

The result of this is mass sharing of ideas – a good thing. But the downside is that it’s harder than ever to make money with the internet.

In the book, Mike Filsaime attacks internet marketers for their shoddy business practices. He critisizes them (including himself) for mistaking efficiency for effectiveness.

He cites the legends of offline marketing, the guys who made it in the 60s, 70s and 80s. He says that almost all the internet marketers he knows today would not have made it back then.

It sounds harsh, but he includes himself among them. And he’s not just cutting everybody down, but suggesting ways to improve your operation to make more sales. The book is full of useful information to help marketers keep up with the changes occurring in the internet marketplace.

“The Death Of Internet Marketing” is a hard-hitting report, and it’s not just hype and a flashy title. Mike Filsaime calls a spade a spade. He tears today’s internet marketing apart, and shows solid ways marketers can improve their business.

So, don’t shed any tears for internet marketing. It’s not really dead, he just said that to get your attention.

19th November 2006
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 8:42 pm

In the Sunday Times this morning was a report which claimed that nine out of ten emails are spam.

Apparently the amount of email spam in the last 5 months has trebled.

One month ago I decided to sign up for SpamArrest to stop all unwanted email before it gets anywhere near my inbox.

Read more on my site:

How to Stop Receiving Spam Mail Immediately

Since registering for SpamArrest I have received 18,379 emails of which only 869 were allowed through the SpamArrest filters. That gives a massive 95.27% spam rate.

17th November 2006
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 12:48 pm

Last week I ordered Jonathan Street’s “Blog It” package from Canonbury Publishing. As promised I received a PDF version of the manual to download immediately with a hard copy to follow through the post.

It was delivered quickly and landed through the letterbox with quite a thud.

To be honest I was very surprised at the amount of material I received. Jonathan has obviously put a lot of work into this package.

When you order you receive a huge, thick A4 printed manual running to over 100 pages.

It’s labelled as the “Quick, Cheap & Easy Way to Start Your Own Profitable Online Business”.

Also in the Blog It package is a DVD style box containing 4 CD-Roms full of bonus material. The CDs are:

(1) The Blog It Bumper Disk
(2) “Growing Your Blog Empire”
(3) “Blog Traffic Explosion”
(4) “Expanding Your Blog Empire”

These CD-Roms are designed to be used on your PC.

I’ve had a quick look through the CDs and there is a lot of information on them – loads of videos and eBooks which accompany the main Blog It manual.

As for the manual, I will be working my way through it over the next couple of weeks so please expect a full review in the very near future.

Jonathan Street is known as the “Internet Income Detective” and I get the feeling that he has really done a lot of detective work for this package.

More to follow…

In the meantime, if you want to know more about this opportunity, please visit the website:

Click Here for the “Blog It” Package by Nick Laight and Jonathan Street

2nd November 2006
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 11:29 pm

I’ve just been on a favourite forum of mine and read something I am not particularly happy about.

Basically a certain internet marketer sent out an email to his list saying:

If you already bought [product name] go ahead to [vendor] and refund. After that buy through my link

There have been a whole load of launches recently with every big marketer offering bonuses for anyone who buys through their affiliate link. There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s health competition I suppose and I am not aware if it breaks any terms or conditions….

But, the problem comes where people start trying to steal commissions in this manner by urging customers to refund a purchase and then re-buy it through another link.

It started with the StomperNet launch and looks like it is starting to spread with others deciding to use this dodgy tactic. The person who first did it (as far as I can tell), said:

I’d contact Stompernet IMMEDIATELY and tell them you meant to order through [certain marketer]’s link. And that if they don’t change it so that you can go to the [certain place], you are going to ask for a refund!

Things could turn ugly with this tactic. I for one won’t buy from either of these people ever now that they have done this.

As far as the discussion thread goes, so far it has received 70 posts in just a few hours.

The person concerned has replied but his reputation hasn’t been enhanced by this very silly mistake. I’m watching for anyone else doing this – there is too much deception on the internet, making potential customers very wary of dealing with anyone.

The last thing we need is something else to add to this…

29th October 2006
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 8:28 pm

Just a couple of weeks ago I decided to subscribe to the Internet Marketing Review newsletter at a rather reasonable £14.95 a month (paid 12 months in advance).


This is yet another printed newsletter, delivered via Royal Mail. As you may know, I subscribe to several Biz Opp related newsletters such as Fleet Street’s “The Money Club”, Nick Laight’s “What Really Makes Money”, Iain Maitland’s “Passive Income Newsletter” and Oliver Goehler’s “eBay Kommando Newsletter”.

It was quick delivery, I received several items through the post the day after I paid. Specifically:

– A four-hole A4 ring binder containing one back issue of the newsletter (24 pages)
– 16 page manual – “Using Public Domain Material for Profit”
– Welcome letter containing the download link for several eBooks
– A DVD entitled “Neil Stafford presents The 7 Highly Effective Ways to Dominate a Niche Online” from a very recent Frank Garon seminar
– 3 audio CDs – Google AdWords Secrets Revealed with Neil Stafford and Peter Woodhead
– Reservation forms for 2 x 30mins telephone consultations with the 2 Neils

There are several other perks to membership such as teleconferences etc.

I will report back on the newsletters in the future but this does look like a good deal so far.

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