Avoid the scams, find out which Business Opportunities actually work
11th February 2009
Filed under: Internet Marketing,Warning — Ben @ 2:47 pm

Quick warning if you were thinking of spending a dollar on Keith Wellman’s latest offering.

Read through the Terms and Conditions thoroughly.

Along with Gary Ambrose, Keith has released a special offer for footage of a “$5,000” seminar for just $1.

For this product it is very apparent that Keith has made sure to cover his back after receiving a lot of flack during his “AutoPilotFX” launch a few months ago. The main complaints were about extremely poor customer service.

You can read more about that at the following blog:

[Edit: Apologies folks, the author of the blog has decided to remove all of the posts he made]

By signing your initials on the order form, you are agreeing to join a $40 per month forced continuity program. You are also agreeing to be charged $150 if you chargeback any month from Keith’s company. I’m not sure if it would stand up in court but that’s what’s in the small print:

By purchasing the Breakthrough Profit Creation product for $1 you agree to also sign up to the free 30 day trial of the Masters of the Month program. After 30 day we will automatically bill your card for $39.95 and each month after… There are no refunds on the Masters of the Month DVD. If we at FX Marketing Inc get a chargeback from any purchase or monthly billing we may excecute the right to charge you for the cost of the chargeback as well as a $150 processing fee. If the customer wins the chargeback, the debt is still valid and we may attempt to collect that debt via a 3rd pary collection agency.

(all taken from http://www.fxmarketinginc.com/wellman_tos.htm)

Unfortunately I don’t trust Mr Wellman after a bad experience buying a product through his link in 2007. Therefore, I wouldn’t use a normal credit card to buy this from him.

To avoid the forced continuity trap I would use a temporary credit card with a very low balance so any attempt to rebill me would fail.

But, that’s just my opinion.

Read more about that tactic here:

Avoiding the Internet Marketing Forced Continuity Trap

You may well wish to receive the “Masters of the Month” DVDs and so you will need to make sure to use a credit card that can be rebilled at a rate of $40 a month.

I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss the part in the sales video which tells you that you will be signing up for a continuity program – whether you like it or not.

28th January 2009
Filed under: Financial Trading,Spread Betting — Ben @ 7:44 pm

The first business opportunity I ever bought was Vince Stanzione’s home study course – and it was all down to an article I saw in the Sunday Observer.

Vince was the main subject in a fascinating two-page feature about spread betting the financial markets.

The article described how he had made a fortune trading a mining share (Antofagasta) and also trading the price of Gold.

The article quoted profits of several hundred thousand pounds in just three months.

I remember taking the page out of the paper and carrying it around with me, reading it and showing it to people in the pub. It struck a chord with me as I was reminded of a story I heard in the late 90s of an investment club making a fortune by spread betting the markets rather than just buying shares.

To cut a long story short, I eventually sent off for more details and received a sales letter. I then proceeded to read that letter over and over again – getting more and more excited about the possibilities of trading.

And one day, finally, I faxed off the order for Vince’s course. A couple of days later it arrived and I spent hours reading through the manual and watching the DVD.

At the beginning of this month I reloaded my trading account and started again afresh.

My last ‘try’ ended well, with me getting a 10% return on my capital over just 6 months. I had to cut it short as I was buying a house and needed all spare cash for the deposit.

So, I dug out my 2004 Stanzione course and read through it, watched the DVD and made notes. Then I decided to get an up-to-date version which just arrived today. And, well, it’s certainly been updated over the past 5 years.

Now containing 2 DVDs and a manual of well over 200 pages of quality information, this is going to keep me busy for a while.

I’ll be updating the site soon with more details but if you are interested in finding out more about Vince, check out the review at

Vince Stanzione, Spread Betting and First Information.

Making Money from Financial Spread Trading is the course I recommend for people who want to get into trading the markets but, like me, don’t want to be stuck in front of a computer monitor all day watching charts.

Vince’s methods are simple and take just a few minutes a day which suits me down to the ground and the results I have had have made it a very worthwhile investment.

7th January 2009
Filed under: Direct Mail,General Opportunities,Internet Marketing — Ben @ 5:17 pm

Can someone explain this to me because I can’t understand how this can benefit me…

Late 2006 I sign up for a printed newsletter which gets good reviews. It’s a yearly subscription, priced at (for arguement’s sake) $127 per year.

2007 I renew, again paying $127 for a full year.

Fast forward to late 2008 and I receive a subscription request letter saying:

“The current monthly membership fee is $24.95 per month however… [as you are already a member]… your membership is kept at the original low level of $19.95 [per month]”

Erm, no, that’s not quite right.

My YEARLY fee is $127 – why would I want to pay $19.95 a month? That’s almost TWICE what I pay now!

I would prefer it if the person(s) in question were upfront about wanting to increase the price – but to try and make out I am getting a good deal by signing up again at double the price doesn’t make sense.

So, no thanks, I’ll leave it I think.

3rd January 2009
Filed under: Internet Marketing — Ben @ 9:29 pm

I was going to sit down and write a long blog post about why I dumped Aweber and several thousand subscribers but I decided against it.

Blog posts are better when they are short and to the point.

So, if you were interested, here’s why I closed my account on the 2nd January 2009…

(1) I haven’t sent an email since September 2008 and sent perhaps 10 in total in 2008

(2) I’ve lost all interest in email marketing and copywriting (incidentally I never had any interest in product development). It was a major hassle for me to compose, load and send an email broadcast. That may have been reflected in the tone of my emails. Sorry if you detected that!

(3) In the last couple of years it has become evident that the marketplace has changed. The barriers are lower and now, in my opinion, the whole ’email newsletter’ thing has been harmed because anyone can send out emails just by getting an autoresponder account. In other words, there are lots of people sending out complete junk and marketing jibberish which harms the rest of us.

In addition, I just wanted to take this opportunity to answer some questions I received when I told my list I would not be emailing them again.

Q: “Ben have you lost your marbles? Your getting rid of your aweber account? WHY? Is your list not making any money?

A: The list always made money – some promotions were far better than others. Seminars rarely ever sold which was always disappointing because I find seminars to be the most valuable ‘product’ you can buy. I’ve not lost my marbles but thanks for checking! I figure that I can always start again in the future if I want. I built one list and could do it afresh whenever I like. Next time I probably won’t use Aweber though – far too complicated for what I need (great service though).

Q: “Sorry to hear you’re putting the newsletter to bed. I thought I should suggest an alternative that you could offer your other subscribers. Using FeedBurner to syndicate your blog’s RSS feed, you can also offer updates via e-mail. I see your blog uses WordPress so it should be as easy as adding the FeedBurner plugin to your WordPress installation and then pointing subscribers in the direction of the e-mail signup page.

A: Thanks Philip! Great advice. (Check out Philip’s blog at: http://philipjohn.co.uk/)

Q: “hi ben… it was always an interesting read… not of late they were few and far between… hope all is well, might bump in to you at one of them seminars at the late night bar… wonder if you had any info on this: (webprosperity.com)

A: Hope to see you at a seminar too! As for ‘Web Prosperity’ – not 100% sure. I see it as a gimmick where a lot of people are pushing it expecting to be at the top of a huge matrix, earning lots of money. In my opinion, if you see the word ‘matrix’ on a website and it isn’t advertising a Keanu Reeves film, run the other way.

Q: “Would it be possible to make an offer for your mailing list?

A: Sorry but no. When I collected the names I specifically promised that subscribers’ names would never be sold or shared. The list dies with the Aweber account I’m afraid!

Q: “This is sad, it your your site that I first joined since I started my search as an Internet Marketer. It would be nice to know if you have been successful with your list (selling backends etc).

A: Thanks for the email Mo. The list was definitely successful. It was built mostly via PPC advertising. I spent about £2,500 on PPC over the years and then sold tens of thousands of pounds of resale rights and affiliate products. I made multiple times my expenditure in profits. Of course, this was when I was still motivated to earn from an email list. Sadly that motivation has now gone. Don’t let that put you off though, email marketing can be very lucrative.

Q: “Sorry you are pulling out. Hope the reason is that you have made your millions?

A: Not quite Andy but I am happy with how that particular venture turned out. Thanks for the email.

So thanks for the emails everybody.

I only got one nasty remark:

Thank god at least one piece of useless spam will not darken my inbox again

So thank you, Howard, for making me laugh. I assume you are serious which saddens me a little.

Happy New Year everybody.

22nd December 2008
Filed under: HYIPs,Warning — Ben @ 9:39 pm

Just for fun, here is a summary of Stella’s Global Pension Plan status updates over the past couple of years.

If I have missed any, please do let me know… Enjoy!


September 28, 2007

We have 94.601 members at this very moment, who would be accepted as a Compensation receiver by the insurance company. 

We have a little more than 100.000 members already, but not all of them qualify because of their age (they will qualify, however, for the Loyalty Program Rewards) or because of the incomplete information in their profile. 

October 21, 2007

All Members hereby have the chance for MULTIPLE POLICIES IN GPP!

We have a limit of 250,000 additional policies altogether

October 22, 2007

We have finally figured out the deadline for the program, and here it comes! This is going to give the members a clear schedule how to work towards the rewards.

– program will be closed on the 31st of December 2007

– documents have to be provided during January 2008

– payout will be between the 15th and 29th of February 2008

December 31, 2007

So, the new plan is, that all the purchases are ceased on the 31st of January.

January 26, 2008

The Trust Partner and the financial companies representatives had meetings with several high level government officials and they finally found the way to produce the Banking Solution You need. The license necessary to conduct such a business/service is being applied shortly and while it’s been processed the technical side of the Banking Solution is being created.

January 30, 2008

The company, who’s going to provide the solution, is applying for the financial license shortly

The Trust Partner has asked me not to close the site, i.e. the sign ups and additional policy purchases until the Banking Solution is ready and is being launched. Hence you can, if you so wish, sign up and buy additional policies without hurry.

We will go in one month steps from here, meaning that the site is open for one full calender month until the situation is reviewed again. For example, if the Banking Solution is fixed during February, I will close the site in the end of February and no more purchases is accepted. I think it’s better to know this in advance and not trying to guess the date in case this and that happens.

March 3, 2008

Our current schedule depends on the banking license at the moment. We haven’t been given a date when it will be granted, so I’m unable to promise the payout to happen any specific time

May 6, 2008

Please continue with your normal life, earn your money you need for your living, keep yourself updated in our forum and do what we tell you to do and then some fine day not very far from now anymore we will let you know that your money is on your account! So please don’t spend the money just yet!

July 16, 2008

We are now ready to start accepting the documents…

August 21, 2008

We have almost made it! Everything looks really great! GPP is actually done! There is nothing else we need now except the 100.000 documents. And this is a FANTASTIC NEWS!!!

The deadline for sending in the documents is hereby extended to the 15th of September 2008.

We have very precise rules and these will not change.

Of course the sign up functions for new and additional contracts remain open until then

November 20, 2008

Dear GPP Members,

First of all, the most important figures of the week:

76.001 (or 76% from the required 100.000 sets of documents)

The Final Deadline: 31st of January 2009

This date is absolute and means, that we MUST reach the initially set target of 100.000 qualified members. Otherwise the program closes without payout.

Please note the decreased sign up fee of 20EUR!


Obviously, these are just snippets from Stella’s updates but I think that it shows the timeline quite well.

Comments are closed on this post but most welcome on the main GPP post:

Global Pension Plan – Do Your “Due Diligence” 

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